Ready to streamline your ALSE Shop?
Start using ALSE Tracker today!
ALSE Tracker has been used in U.S. Army ALSE shops around the world for almost 30 years and is licensed free of charge for unlimited use and distribution to military and federal agencies.
ALSE Tracker provides Hand Receipts, Equipment Lists, Inspections Due, and much more. Track your shop Bench Stock and Technical Manuals with inventory and location reports, and track aircraft equipment separately from individual equipment.
ALSE gear is tracked and printed separately for Hand Receipt maintenance, inspection requirements, and can be viewed or printed by equipment category.
The program is small (2.3MB), database backups are generally a few hundred kilobytes, and no Internet connection is required for easy operation in the office and in the field.
Install for FreeALSE Tracker is included in TC 3-04.10, Aviation Life Support Maintenance
Under "Automation" it states: Several methods are available for tracking inspection requirements and maintaining ALSE accountability (it is important to note, however, that shops must standardize equipment tracking methods within their respective groups). Many ALSETs have developed spreadsheets to track required inspection information. This and other methods used by ALSETs are permissible if they meet United States Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) aviation resource management survey (ARMS) checklist requirements.
Chapter 2 has text from this website under Automation on page 19 under sections 2-36 and 2-37.
It is interesting to note the text also states, "Other web-based software is available through internet searches."
ALSE Tracker is mentioned in FM 3-04.508 (FM 1-508) Aviation Life Support System Maintenance Management and Training Programs:
The ALSE Tracker program is an approved DOD-shareware program and can be downloaded from the following website:
In DA PAM 738-751 Chapter 5 – Aviation Life Support Equipment Forms and Records Procedures:
In keeping with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the use of computerized products such as “ALSE Tracker” … to track, document, and maintain electronic records is authorized as long as the provisions of this chapter are met. …these programs are tracking databases that are free to all Army, Air Force, and DOD agencies or personnel contracted by those agencies to perform maintenance on life support equipment.
In the MOS Book under MOS 15A–Aviation Life Support Systems Repairer (ALSS Rep):
…Employ notebook computer with internet access for maintenance: library of technical manuals, specialty databases such as (FEDLOG, MEDCAT, ALSE TRACKER, LOGSA, and ALERTS).
Though it is dated, the current ALSE Tracker is a product of many years of refinement and a complete rewrite after the author (Jeff Gordon) left a 15 year career serving in both the Navy (Anti-Submarine Warfare Operator / Search and Rescue Swimmer) and the Army (OH-58 Mechanic / UH-60 Pilot).